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Dear Reader,

an important year for the future of digital learning and education in Europe is coming to its end. We would like to thank you as member of the ELIG community for your great support and contributions. Openness, creativity and innovation in European learning and education have been focal points in this year.

The challenge to guide European Learning and Education into a future that is truly leveraging the potential of digital technologies has never been as actual as today. The European policy institutions have sent a strong sign of support in this year. The European learning industry, education institutions, publishers and further stakeholders have to take up the initiative in a joint effort.

With activities like the we.learn.it Classroom of the Future at the Frankfurt Book Fair, the ELIG Emerald Book on Openness and Education, the ELIG Policy Whitepaper on "Opening up Education", our contributions to regional innovation cluster development, the development of a new European learning innovation support and efficicacy framework and many more activities we have again brought stakeholders from Europe and beyond together in this joint endeavor.

A particular thanks goes to the member organizations of ELIG that are supporting our joint mission – to change the way Europe learns – with their energy, solutions and resources. We would also like to thank everyone in our wider community of collaborators and friends. We would be happy to involve you even closer in ELIG in 2014. We can only achieve our mission together.

Together with the ELIG Team, we wish you and your families a peaceful Christmas and happy end of the year. And we would be delighted to welcome all of you passionately back in the ELIG community in 2014.

Richard Straub, ELIG Secretary General
Elmar Husmann, ELIG Deputy Secretary General

Some highlights of this year

The European Commission's Opening Up Education initiative has been a key focus of our presence at the Online Educa Berlin where the new ELIG Whitepaper "Opening up Education" was presented and handed over in a plenary session to DG Education Director Pierre Mairesse. ELIG Member Pau Education has further been responsible for the launch of the new Open Education Europa portal.
> http://www.elig.org/we-share/publications/
> http://www.online-educa.com/OEB_Newsportal/we-change-the-way-europe-learns/
> http://openeducationeuropa.eu/

The first volume of the ELIG and Emerald Book Series "Advances in Digital Education and Lifelong Learning" has been published: "Openness and Eduction" in partnership with the United Nations University.
> http://books.emeraldinsight.com/

The Annual Meeting hosted by ELIG Member Stockholm University has again brought together a wide group of industry and institution leaders on digital learning and education. Presentations and further material are now online:
> http://www.elig.org/we-share/annual-general-meeting/

ELIG has been closely involved with the European Committee of the Regions, contributed to the spring meeting of the Education Committee in Espoo Finland organized by ELIG Member Aalto University and helped to facilitate the November CoR conference on the contribution of European Regions to the goals of the 2020 Innovation Union. ELIG has also been appointed as advisor to the Espoo Innovation Triangle (T3) development - a European silicon valley.
> http://cor.europa.eu/en/events/Pages/eu2020-innovation-union.aspx

The we.learn.it initiative on creativity and explorative learning for schools that involves ELIG Members Intel, Stockholm University, Aalto University and other partners such as the OECD and the London Institute of Education has greatly taken off. A highlight has been the organization of the Classroom of the Future in partnership with the Frankfurt Book Fair. The classroom in Frankfurt has been attended by hundreds of pupils and schools. It has also been widely featured in German TV, radio and international online media. Over 15 creative we.learn.it projects have already been started with schools in Europe and many partners such as the German Space Center, Museums, Samsung, Vitra Design, Oscar-winning Filmmaker Luc Jacquet and many more.
> http://www.buchmesse.de/en/Focus_on/more_topics/education/
> http://we.learn.it/blog/

The HoTEL and VISIR initiatives have investigated innovation in education. Over 200 concrete examples of innovative learning practices have already been identi? ed and are accessible through the VISIR online database. HoTEL is develo- ping a support model for such innovations - building on the recently published PEARSON efficicacy framework. A joint learnshop by ELIG and PEARSON has demonstrated this in practice for Online Educa participants.
> http://visir-network.eu/
> http://hotel-project.eu/
> http://efficacy.pearson.com/

The CRe-AM initiative has recently been launched in partnership with ELIG to support the European creative industry including e.g. computer gaming, publishing and media.


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